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Tips for a healthy life

To have a healthy life, you do not need much money or do something that is spectacular. To have a healthy life, you need to take the life of a healthy way and light. The tips are very simple and can be summarized in three topics:
Have a balanced diet: eat fruits and vegetables daily. The recommended intake is 7 servings a day, but at least invest in a breakfast with plenty of fruit and cereal, and lunch and dinner to eat more vegetables than anything else. Let the caloric and fatty foods for the weekend with the family or for parties. And the day-to-day, eat healthily. Do not forget to take plenty of water throughout the day.
Exercise regularly: Exercise 5 times a week. If you can not attend a gym, replace the elevator down the stairs, walk alone or with the (a) partner (a), or bike to work. If the problem is not like the gym, practice sports or dance. Play volleyball, tennis, soccer, basketball, swimming or take dance lessons. But work it always! Exercises bring improvements in body and health, but also bring mental well being.
Cultivate the psychological well-being and mental health: escape from stress and have a happy life. Live life with calm, do not hold your problems and tensions, and not live in a hurry. Enjoy the details of life as a setting sun, a full moon, rain or a hot day. Look how beautiful nature is, and think about how good life. Do not just think about the money , do good deeds, be nice and try to find one great love. Happy people attract happiness. Both mentally and physically.

by Mog

Big picture strategies for healthy eating

Eat enough calories but not too many. Maintain a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body uses. The average recommended daily allowance is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity.

Eat a wide variety of foods. Healthy eating is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat.

Keep portions moderate, especially high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrée, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol. Try to get fresh, local produce

Drink more water. Our bodies are about 75% water. It is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps flush our systems, especially the kidneys and bladder, of waste products and toxins. A majority of Americans go through life dehydrated.

Limit sugary foods, salt, and refined-grain products. Sugar is added to a vast array of foods. In a year, just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can increase your weight by 16 pounds. See suggestions below for limiting salt and substituting whole grains for refined grains.

Don’t be the food police. You can enjoy your favorite sweets and fried foods in moderation, as long as they are an occasional part of your overall healthy diet. Food is a great source of pleasure, and pleasure is good for the heart – even if those French fries aren’t!

Get moving. A healthy diet improves your energy and feelings of well-being while reducing your risk of many diseases. Adding regular physical activity and exercise will make any healthy eating plan work even better.

sábado, 27 de fevereiro de 2010


Hello friends! taking requests I am posting is the recipe of the human

Race! This is the name of the supplement based on whole grains that by replacing one or two meals a day, promises to dry up to 8 pounds in a month (and so healthy!). Developed by therapist natural Liça Takagui day, guaranteed by the nutritionist Boarim Daniel, both of Curitiba (PR), the feed initially served only for their own use of the specialist. After the preparation, take the human race to the fridge to last longer

Zás-back (15 minutes)

Yield: 10 servings

Difficulty: Easy category

General Ingredient:

- 250 g of wheat fiber

- 125 g of soy milk powder

- 125 g linseed brown

- 100 g brown sugar

- 100 g rolled oats

- 100 g of sesame bark

- 75 g of wheat germ

- 50 g unflavored gelatin purchased at home of natural products

- 25 g of guarana powder

- 25 g of brewer's yeast

- 25 g cocoa powder


Mix all ingredients in the recipe, deposit in a pot, close very well and store in refrigerator. The recipe yields 1 kg.

Daily Dose

Blend and Take the morning and dinner: 1 cup of water fasting, 2 tablespoons of food, juice, yogurt, milk or mineral water without gas. Note: do not eat bread, cake, cookies

domingo, 21 de fevereiro de 2010

Healthy Eating in Pregnancy

Written for BabyCenter Brazil Approved by the Medical Advisory Brazil .

Adjust your power even if it is already good

What are the wrong foods?

Take prenatal vitamin

Do not make arrangements

Engorde gradually

Eat small meals at regular intervals

A treat here or there does not hurt

Adjust your power even if it is already good

Now that you're pregnant, it is important to try to increase the intake of certain vitamins and minerals (such as folic acid and iron).

The intake of calories may increase slightly as the pregnancy progresses.

If you were not to worry too much about the food, now it is worth spending to make meals more thoughtful and balanced.

Limit the amount of sweets and fast food, which have many calories and few nutrients.

During pregnancy, your body works even more efficiently, making the maximum energy than you eat.

Therefore, in the first six months of pregnancy most women do not need to eat more than they already ate.

Only in the last three is that it is advisable to eat 200 more calories, but that does not mean almost nothing, because 200 calories is equivalent to a mere two buttered toast, for example. Guide to the appetite, which may vary depending on the stage of pregnancy. In the first weeks it may disappear because of sickness.

But sometimes, especially at night (or in the middle of the night), it is likely that you feel the sudden urge to eat something to fill a hole in the stomach.

" In the second quarter, your appetite should be the same as it was, or a little higher. In the third, you should be more hungry, but to be careful because they will be more frequent heartburn and indigestion. If you are just getting fatter and your doctor is satisfied, need not be controlling the power.

Just try to eat the right foods. What are the wrong foods?
Advertising A pregnant woman can eat almost anything, but should avoid some types of food. Are:
• fish and raw seafood such as oysters and sushi (the sushi can be eaten if the fish is frozen before).
• white rind cheeses such as brie and camembert, and cheeses with fungi such as Roquefort and Gorgonzola. Avoid cheeses including frescal (or "mine"), which can be made with unpasteurized milk. The problem is the possible presence of a bacterium that causes listeriosis, a disease that can harm the baby.
• undercooked beef or raw (like carpaccio), pork undercooked and raw eggs (such as cake batter, eggnog, fried egg with runny yolk and some desserts - mousses, for example).

The caution is to prevent bacteria that can affect the baby.

• beef liver and kids, to avoid the overhead of a retinoid vitamin A, which can be harmful to the fetus.

swordfish and shark, which can contain dangerous levels of mercury.

The tuna should be limited to four cans a week or two fresh fillets a week for the same reason. Other fish are safe and do well the baby and you. The recommendations in respect of mercury also apply to those who are considering pregnancy and for breastfeeding.

• If you have family in people with allergies (nuts, nuts or peanuts, for example), it is good to avoid these foods during pregnancy.

• alcoholic beverages. Excessive consumption of alcohol can cause serious problems in the baby, so experts recommend completely cut alcohol during pregnancy. Remember that if a sip (literal) on occasion may not do so bad, switch to the drink, even just once, can already be enough to harm your child.

• food and beverages with caffeine. Researches have linked the consumption of more than 300 mg of caffeine per day the risk of miscarriage and the baby is born underweight, and one study speculated that even very small doses of caffeine can already influence the loss of the baby. Do not take more than three cups of coffee a day, and, if possible, prefer to drink decaffeinated coffee.
Take prenatal vitamin In an ideal world - in which there was no sickness, for example - would not be so difficult to maintain a balanced diet.
But in the real world, it is guaranteed to use a vitamin supplement prenatal care to make sure that your body will receive all the nutrients you need.
Talk to your obstetrician. Folic acid is an especially important supplement that should be taken even before pregnancy and during the first three months of pregnancy. A deficiency of this type of vitamin B is linked to neurological problems in the formation of the baby such as spina bifida. The minimum recommendation is 400 mcg of folic acid daily. Doctors usually prescribe a supplement more complete, multi-vitamins and iron, from the third month, when the sick and improve vitamin is better tolerated by the stomach.
If you are vegetarian or have any health problems like diabetes, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, or anemia, or in the past has had a low birthweight baby, the doctor will probably have specific guidelines for their feeding, or it may refer it to a nutritionist.
Remember, however, that not always the vitamin is good. Vitamin A supplements containing retinol, for example, which can be toxic to the baby in large amounts. Do not make arrangements Dieting during pregnancy can harm the baby and you, too. Depending on the type of regime, you may be deficient in iron, folic acid and other vitamins and important minerals. Remember that fat is part of pregnancy.
Women who eat well and to fatten the recommended are more likely to have healthy babies. If you're eating healthy and gaining weight, relax: this is what has to happen! Who was very thin before pregnancy have more "tolerance" to fatten. If you've been overweight before pregnancy, can improve the quality of their diet, eliminating sweets and other fatty foods and starting to make physical activity (always in consultation with the doctor first). In this case, research has shown that it's OK not to gain anything during pregnancy, or even lose weight, because fat reserves accumulated in your body will meet the energy needs of the baby.
Engorde gradually Weight gain varies from woman to woman and depends on several factors. In countries like the United Kingdom's balance has not longer part of the consultations of prenatal care, because doctors do not see the need for strict control of weight. The average weight gain during pregnancy appears to be between 8 and 15 kg. But instead of thinking about balance, focus on the quality of what you eat: plenty of fruit and vegetables, good amounts of protein and only a little fat and sugar. To learn more, see our article on weight gain in pregnancy.

Eat small meals at regular intervals Even if you are hungry, you better not leave the stomach very empty time. It is advisable to make five or six small meals instead of the traditional three large meals, especially if you are suffering much from sickness, heartburn or indigestion. Do not skip meals, because the baby needs to be constantly fed.

A treat here or there does not hurt There is no reason to give up everything you like just because she is pregnant. But it's not good to let foods, snacks and sweets form the basis of their diet. At the time the desire to eat the treat, try putting a banana in the microwave with a little cinnamon, or take a hit of yogurt with frozen fruit. You just have to win if you can find a delicacy "healthier"! And once in a while, why not dive into the wonderful chocolate cake or a Brigadier? Enjoy every bit, you deserve it!

The Healing Power o Food

Meals in the future will not only nourish our organismo.

each food will have a specific role in the prevention and treatment of diseases ranging from a common cold to cancer. This is because a new branch of science, nutraceuticals, investigates the benefits of foods and how they act on the diseases that most afflict humanity.

The secret is the so-called bioactive compounds (lycopene, flavonoids and others) found in some fruits, vegetables and some fish, also in yogurt and fermented milk, which revolutionized the concepts and theories of human nutrition. "Adequate nutrition and moderate exercise can reduce up to 40% incidence of cancer in the world," announces nutritionist Jocelem Salgado, the Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz Queiroz, Piracicaba-SP.

The main challenge of nutraceuticals, is to study these components, isolate them and find the optimal amount to prevent or treat disease. Often not even need to resort to conventional medication, you may simply indicate which foods are, and the amount to be ingested to cure a disease through food. We now know that good nutrition can prevent or even cure diseases, because our body is stronger and more resilient to combat the bacteria causing various diseases.

sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2010

The benefits of walking

To leave a sedentary lifestyle to one side do not have to necessarily go running to the closest gym and easy enrollment in various classes. The first step in putting the body in motion can be simpler than you think. It's just a lazy dribble and walk around. Walking is an exercise that requires practice and also easy and delicious, it's cheap and does well. And best of all, the walk has no contraindications, can be practiced by anyone who wants health care, no matter what body type or age. Check out the benefits of walking and treat yourself to start today. Walking is good If you invented a lot of excuses to leave the walk for the next day, it's time to change his mind. Thirty minutes of walking a day is enough for you to feel the benefits. In addition to burn 500 to 1000 calories, walking brings benefits to the cardiovascular system, improves fitness level, helps in weight loss and strengthens the muscles of the legs and buttocks. The walk also improves the work of the respiratory, digestive, immune and nervous systems, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and diabetes and hypertension. It is the ideal activity to relieve stress, depression and anxiety amazing. Care in the time to walk The activity is easy to perform, but to do it properly, you should take some care in time to walk. Do not dismiss the stretch before and after the walk. Respect your limits, especially if you are getting now. The pace and intensity of walking should be according to your fitness, slow down if you feel pain or discomfort. Keep your posture as you walk past and do not give too wide. The heel should be the first part of the foot touching the ground, then the sole and finally the fingers. Wear comfortable clothes and choose a shoe suitable for walking, which has a flexible sole and absorb more impact with the ground. Avoid walking during the hours of intense sun and always use sunscreen. Drink water, it is important to hydrate the body before, during and after the walk. Try to walk in places and quiet without much traffic. You can enjoy listening to music while walking, so relax and let the exercise more happy. By Deborah Busko

quarta-feira, 17 de fevereiro de 2010

Benefits of a Healthy Diet

The benefits of healthy diets are numerous.
Besides providing nutrients to your body, healthy diet programs can:
Build your energy and your mental capacities.
When you eat healthily, your mind becomes sharper and your energy levels rise. This allows you to get more done in a day and keeps you energized at night, instead of feeling tired and run down.
Heal your body from minor illnesses and injury faster.
A healthy diet meal plan provides the nutrients your body needs.
Without vitamins and proper minerals, your blood iron level can be low, your skin can lose elasticity and collagen, and you can take weeks to recover from a minor cold. Eating well provides your body with the tools it needs to rebuild itself after minor traumas, and can even help with chronic health problems as well.
Optimizes intestinal function.
While we don’t like to think of “down there,” healthy diet meals do more than just nourish our body as a whole. Your intestinal tract is an important part of how your body stays healthy. When good bacteria (that allows nutrients to pass through the walls of your intestine) is scrubbed away due to illness or unhealthy eating, your body doesn’t work as well and you may feel tired and sick much more often. Rebuilding not only the nutrients, but the bacteria itself, is an important part of proper health.
Help you lose weight.
While this may seem like a no-brainer, losing weight isn’t just about image. Diets that promote weight loss actually make you healthier, as well. Even losing 10 pounds is easier on your heart, lungs, mind and bones, and can help you live longer

terça-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2010

Kids and Breakfast

Do your kids eat breakfast?
By many reports, 40% of kids don't.
But everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, right?
Here is some proof:
The State of Minnesota Breakfast Study showed that students who ate breakfasts before starting school had a general increase in math grades and reading scores, increased student attention, reduced nurse visits, and improved student behaviors'
*Children who eat a healthy breakfast
*meet their daily nutritional needs, keep their weight under control, have lower blood cholesterol levels, attend school more frequently, and make fewer trips to the school nurses office complaining of tummy aches.
*Kids who eat breakfast are more likely than children who skip breakfast to consume foods with adequate levels of minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins, such as riboflavin, vitamins A, C, and B12, and folate.'
*Kids who skip breakfast do not make up for the missed calories at other meals.
*So why aren't your kids eating breakfast each day?
Most likely it is because your family is already rushed in the morning and you don't feel like you have time to provide a nutritious breakfast. But remember that breakfast doesn't have to mean home-made waffles or french toast every day. There are many quick and easy breakfasts that you can give your kids that are also nutritious.
According to the American Dietetic Association, these can include:
ready-to-eat cereal with fruit and milk
toasted bagel with cheese
fruit-filled breakfast bar and yogurt
toasted waffle topped with fruit and yogurt
fruit smoothie (fruit and milk whirled in a blender)
peanut butter on whole-wheat toast
*If you can't provide a healthy breakfast for your child at home, you might also look at breakfasts offered at your child's school or daycare.

segunda-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2010

The vitality of the food we have four groups

FOOD BIOGENIC are those that generate life. They are: the buds and green shoots that are not dried and not mature plants.
FOOD BIOACTIVES are those that enable life. They must be eaten ripe, raw and very fresh. They are: cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts and herbs.
FOOD BIOESTAT: those that reduce life. Consumption ensures the functioning of our body at least. They cause the aging of cells and substances are not alive, because your vital energy has been destroyed. They are raw foods (stocked) frozen foods and cooked foods.
FOOD BIOCIDES are those that destroy life. They are most used in power this century. This type of food (refined, processed and artificially preserved) was invented by man, they slowly poison the body with harmful substances and open the door to civilization diseases: cardiovascular disease, cancer, rheumatism, diabetes and other diseases degenerative diseases and mental illnesses