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Tips for a healthy life

To have a healthy life, you do not need much money or do something that is spectacular. To have a healthy life, you need to take the life of a healthy way and light. The tips are very simple and can be summarized in three topics:
Have a balanced diet: eat fruits and vegetables daily. The recommended intake is 7 servings a day, but at least invest in a breakfast with plenty of fruit and cereal, and lunch and dinner to eat more vegetables than anything else. Let the caloric and fatty foods for the weekend with the family or for parties. And the day-to-day, eat healthily. Do not forget to take plenty of water throughout the day.
Exercise regularly: Exercise 5 times a week. If you can not attend a gym, replace the elevator down the stairs, walk alone or with the (a) partner (a), or bike to work. If the problem is not like the gym, practice sports or dance. Play volleyball, tennis, soccer, basketball, swimming or take dance lessons. But work it always! Exercises bring improvements in body and health, but also bring mental well being.
Cultivate the psychological well-being and mental health: escape from stress and have a happy life. Live life with calm, do not hold your problems and tensions, and not live in a hurry. Enjoy the details of life as a setting sun, a full moon, rain or a hot day. Look how beautiful nature is, and think about how good life. Do not just think about the money , do good deeds, be nice and try to find one great love. Happy people attract happiness. Both mentally and physically.

by Mog

Big picture strategies for healthy eating

Eat enough calories but not too many. Maintain a balance between your calorie intake and calorie expenditure—that is, don't eat more food than your body uses. The average recommended daily allowance is 2,000 calories, but this depends on your age, sex, height, weight, and physical activity.

Eat a wide variety of foods. Healthy eating is an opportunity to expand your range of choices by trying foods—especially vegetables, whole grains, or fruits—that you don't normally eat.

Keep portions moderate, especially high-calorie foods. In recent years serving sizes have ballooned, particularly in restaurants. Choose a starter instead of an entrée, split a dish with a friend, and don’t order supersized anything.

Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes—foods high in complex carbohydrates, fiber, vitamins, and minerals, low in fat, and free of cholesterol. Try to get fresh, local produce

Drink more water. Our bodies are about 75% water. It is a vital part of a healthy diet. Water helps flush our systems, especially the kidneys and bladder, of waste products and toxins. A majority of Americans go through life dehydrated.

Limit sugary foods, salt, and refined-grain products. Sugar is added to a vast array of foods. In a year, just one daily 12-ounce can of soda (160 calories) can increase your weight by 16 pounds. See suggestions below for limiting salt and substituting whole grains for refined grains.

Don’t be the food police. You can enjoy your favorite sweets and fried foods in moderation, as long as they are an occasional part of your overall healthy diet. Food is a great source of pleasure, and pleasure is good for the heart – even if those French fries aren’t!

Get moving. A healthy diet improves your energy and feelings of well-being while reducing your risk of many diseases. Adding regular physical activity and exercise will make any healthy eating plan work even better.


50 tips for you not to give up diet
1 Avoid going to the supermarket hungry, because you can fall into temptation and end up trying it and buying what they should not. Make purchases after meals.

2 Do not leave home fattening foods, because when you hit that anxiety or hunger, you will certainly choose the most calories. Shoo!

3 If you have children at home, do not let cookies, candies and chocolates in sight. Keep everything in high cabinets to prevent them, and you also stay tweaking.

4 Do not skip the breakfast. Even if you do not feel hungry when you wake up to eat at least one fruit and take a pot of light yogurt. This will make you arrive starving at lunchtime.

5 Never eat standing up. Nothing to pick up a delicious and go engulfing the house. Stop everything, sit and eat in peace. Even if it's a yogurt for lunch.

6 Demore to eat (use a small spoon or fork), taste every bit, short enough. This will give you the impression that you ate more.

7 Replace the platter for dessert. Thus, not only decrease the portions, such as food intake as well. And the plate looks full ...

8 thin plates can also be tasty and look good. Prepare a nice meal with a choice of vegetables, to take pleasure at the table.

9 Never take the dishes to the table. If they are farther away, it will be easier to control that persistent desire to repeat. Never again.

10 Raise the table immediately after the meal. It's a way you do not run the risk of getting pinching (no calories!) While talking.

11 Start lunch and dinner with a nice plate of greens. The fibers of these foods will make you feel less hungry to eat the rest.

12 When you get many hours without eating, the brain believes that there is no food and comes under the economy, lowering the metabolic rate, ie, spend less calories. That is, worse, right?

13 intervals of three to a maximum of four hours between meals. This teaches the body to feel hungry only in certain hours.

14 If you get hungry in between try, instead of eating, drinking a glass of liquid. Do not confuse hunger with thirst. Take water, lemonade, passion fruit juice with sweetener, juice or light diet.

15 Avoid fried foods, go away from salted and breaded meat or patties, because they are very oily. Instead of frying, cook the food.

16 Choose a nice place to dine. It is forbidden to eat in front of the TV. You do not notice you're eating and will always want more.

17 If not resist, even so through the sweet fruit for dessert. Guava, banana, fruit in syrup or jam made with sweeteners, do not have the fat of puddings, cakes or chocolates.

18 To vary the dessert, whip gelatin diet with yogurt. It is a delicious sweet and thin, because it has a fat cream.

In 19 hours of breakfast, how about a cheese sandwich light-de-mine and lean turkey breast? He has complex carbohydrates and lean protein, which will help her to feel satiated for longer.

20 The metabolism is slower night-take a light meal, reducing carbohydrates. Prioritize the consumption of vegetables and lean protein.

21 Do not confuse hunger with desire to eat. Anxiety can take it to this error. Ask yourself what you really feel. And act as the answer.

22 Eat slowly. Allow time for the body and the mechanics of satiety. Between one and another bite, rest the cutlery on the table.

23 Replace the diet by light. The diet version in some foods have only restriction of sugar, but the light has reduced fat and fewer calories.

24 Eat more fiber. Besides beneficial to the body, they quench any longer, because they absorb liquid and favor the intestinal flow.

25 Perform smart trade: it is much more nutritious and less caloric suck two oranges bagasse than a glass of fruit juice.

26 Avoid refined carbohydrates, with white flour such as breads and pasta. Besides not having fibers, they increase the glycemic index, giving hungry soon. Replace them with items grains.

27 control in the face of temptations. But if one day you can not, replace the meal for the sweet sin. Just do not do it regularly, it can cause a crippling nutrients.

28 In happy hour, choose light appetizers: white cheese cubes with English and oregano sauce, carrot, celery or fennel to stick with just sauce and grated fresh ginger.

29 To accompany the appetizer, substitute for beer tomato juice made with sparkling water and slices of lemon or orange. And salt.

30 When you receive your friends, offers this pate with toast: beat 500 g ricotta cheese with yogurt 1 until the consistency of pate and add herbs to taste (parsley, mint, etc.)..

31 Just because you're on a diet that will stop going out to dinner or go to a party. The secret: before going out to eat a plate of green salad or a bowl of soup low calorie. You will eat less.

32 In the little party with friends, give preference to roasted and salted sfihas, pies, sandwiches and canapés. They are the best option. Spend hit by the frying pan.

33 FOR HUNGER at dawn: a pot of light yogurt or an apple with peel. If you prefer, an orange with the pulp. Legal would have to leave orange, peeled and cut it in half the time to eat. Not practical?

34 To go to a restaurant without putting the system to lose, right away providing the cover charge. Entry: eggplant with lemon and salad. At the time of hot dish, go away white sauce and cheese.

35 Use and abuse of condiments: balsamic vinegar, lemon, garlic, pepper, tarragon, horseradish, celery, ginger, bay leaves, mint, cumin, thyme, rosemary, capers. They are flavor without calories.

36 Keep in home fruit, nonfat yogurt and light, gelatin diet, light bread, white cheese and thin graham crackers for snack time.

37 Try to food with vegetables and cooked vegetables and lean meat grilled, boiled or baked. So you also protects health.

38 Avoid adding animal fat such as butter, bacon and crackling with food, because in addition to calories, they are packed with cholesterol.

39 Use of vegetable fats. Olive oil, oils such as flaxseed and canola: they have lot of calories, but they are healthy.

40 A basic principle: if you eat more calories than you expend will gain weight, and eat less than you expend, you will lose weight. An economy here and there contributes to the maintenance of weight lost

41 Try to keep a daily food. This record can help you lose weight, because it forces you to confront their choices. And fix them.

42 school: face daily physical activity. Regular practice helps in weight loss by burning excess calories that would otherwise be stored in your body.

43 Aerobic exercise is a great ally in weight loss. So include it in your routine. It is 30 minutes walk or bike every day or at least three times a week.

44 The success of the diet depends on sensible goals. Plot crazy goals, like losing 10 pounds in one month, besides not being healthy can be frustrating.

Rule 45 is true for most people overweight: Lose weight slowly. To be successful, does not exceed the loss of 900 grams per week.

46 Do not feel guilty if you ever ate too much and, of course, do not give up weight for that reason alone. Making up the next day, eating less or doing more exercise. Nothing like a day after another!

47 The escapades of the diet may not be constant: because, if they are listed as no longer escaped and saw routine. Wrong!

48 Keep track and believe me: it is easier to keep the scheme when the menu is balanced and even a little liberal than those rigidity ...

49 If you ran the diet, patience. Fasting the day can lead to loss of control. With the re food weight loss may be slower, but sustainable.

50 There are several forms of non-cash dissatisfaction in food. Move. During the exercises, the body releases endorphins, which reduces anxiety. Meditation and yoga are also excellent in stress management

Tips to reduce tummy

A healthy diet is ideal to keep fit and to lose that barriginha undesirable.


Food · causing gases such as soft drinks, beans, fries, bread, cheese and canned meat, sausages such as sausage, ham, salami and sausage.

· Foods that retains liquids such as sausages, too much salt and processed foods.

Foods that promote a belly retained:

· Insoluble fibers associated with an adequate fluid intake allow the intestine to function on a regular basis to avoid the belly is distended and painful (they are: wheat bran or raw rice bran, whole grains, whole wheat bread, vegetables / peas , green beans and nuts, roots including potatoes and carrots, greens like spinach, apples, oranges and other fruits. However, the fibers are broken down by bacteria in the intestine and the body takes a while to get used to it. So, enter the slowly at meals).

· Food diuretics also help reduce water retention by reducing the swelling (tea, lemon juice, watermelon, strawberry, pumpkin, watercress, beets, carrots, endive, beet greens, cabbage, parsley, tomatoes, bean sprouts, cucumber )

Tips to reduce the volume of the stomach

• In first place, if you are overweight, you should think about a balanced diet to lose weight and therefore body fat;

The thin · also are not free to make a potbelly, if any, should maintain a healthy diet, avoiding fats, fried foods, sweets and soft drinks, which also causes stomach. They should also avoid very greasy dishes, preferring to eat lean meats and vegetables and fruits;

• If the operation of the intestine is slow, increase your intake of fiber and water (at least 8 glasses a day).

Practice · physical activity - in addition to burn calories also reflect a proper functioning of the body. Should be practiced frequently associating aerobic exercise (to activate the circulation and expend calories) a localized exercises (to tighten the abdominal region);

· Chop and diet - The digestive system can not handle a large volume of food ingested at once. Ideally, meals rather bulky and low calorific value up to 6 times a day.

· Chew slowly - A person who eats fast can end up swallowing air along with the food and also hamper digestion. Moreover, the brain does not register the signal of satiety so quickly and so you end up eating more.

Avoid the gas-forming foods - soft drinks, beans, fries, bread, cheese and canned foods, red meat, sausages such as sausage, ham, salami and sausage.

Avoid fatty foods - fat has a slower digestion and fatty foods that end up staying longer in the gastrointestinal tract favoring increase in volume.

Avoid excessive intake of salt, examples - fermented bread and donuts made with salt, to prepare quick breads or cakes, made w / baking powder, baking soda, salt or made with commercial mixtures, fortified cereals or quick cooking; dry cereal, cream cracker biscuits, crackers except water, salt popcorn, pickles, potato chips, processed meats (sausage, sausage, sausage, ham, bologna).

• Increase the consumption of diuretics - fennel, celery, coriander, endive and eggplant, garlic, lemon, nutmeg, onion, parsley, mint, pineapple, watermelon, passion fruit and tea: in particular, parsley tea: add a few leaves of parsley to the hot water, sweeten with or without sweetener. And herbal teas (ginger / cinnamon / cardamom: make a mix of ingredients and add boiled water) or fruit.

• Attention to milk - If you are with gas, try to milk the menu. Many people are lactose intolerant.

• Attention to some sweeteners - some sweeteners are the basis of sorbitol fermenting in the body causing gases. Some dried fruits like raisins, apricots, bananas and especially prune also have in their composition sorbitol.

· Drink plenty of water - In addition to reducing fluid retention, helps to lubricate the intestines. It is therefore essential to take at least 2 liters a day. But avoid liquids during meals (juice and water dilate the stomach wall by pushing the belly).

· Book lighter preparations for dinner: evening our metabolism is reduced and so too must eat fewer calories during this period, avoid fats and excess carbohydrates in these meals